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iPad / iPhone webcam

iPad / iPhone webcam

Every crisis is an opportunity! And now we have a crisis that could be distributed on every corner, so I thought I’d take advantage of that and improve my home equipment and knowledge for video conferencing and video shooting a bit.

Why tackle iPad / iPhone as a webcam?

I’ve never dealt with it much and I just connected with a classic integrated webcam and lately there are a lot of those video calls and the quality is terrible (the webcam on the Macbook 2016 is a complete shit and really a hardware disgrace, no one wants it), so there’s room for improvement for sure 🙂

I found a nice app EpocCam that allows you to use the trampled cameras on iPhone / iPad as a classic webcam in Teams, Zooms, etc. It has several advantages:

  1. Image quality is completely different from integrated webcams.
  2. You can also use an iPhone microphone in the paid version.
  3. You can place the camera wherever you want and come up with a better angle of view.
  4. Possibility to connect by cable or Wi-Fi.
  5. Easy installation. One app on iOS, one app on your computer – that’s all.
  6. Works on both Mac and Windows.
  7. The app is free or you can purchase the PRO version for a one-time $ 20.

I have a paid PRO version, but it can work perfectly with the free version.

iPad / iPhone webcam - Epoccam
iPad / iPhone webcam – Epoccam

If you are solving the same problem, then the application is definitely worth a try.

P.S .: There are definitely a lot of similar apps for Android phones, but I have no personal experience with them.

Tomáš Musiol

I am not a teacher, I have never taught at school and I do not plan to do so in the near future. I am interested in modern technologies in education and digitization of toys of all kinds.

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Poslední dobou dostávám podobné dotazy, proto jsem se rozhodla, že budu pořádat kurz pro začínající učitele a online konzultace, kde můžeme osobně probrat Vaše konkrétní dotazy, na které ráda zodpovím na základě své zkušenosti z dlouholeté praxe ve školství.