Naše třída


All content published on this site is subject to a Creative Commons license Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Non-Commercial License

I will be happy if the content will inspire you and you will continue to use it.
Content published on this site may:

  • Share – reproduce and distribute material through any medium in any format.
  • Edit – remix, change and release the original work.

At the same time, I will be happy if you meet the following conditions:

  • Indicate the origin – it is your responsibility to state the authorship, provide a reference to the license with the work and indicate the changes you have made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but never in a manner indicating that Licensor has approved or endorsed you or your use of the Work.
  • Do not use the work commercially – It is forbidden to use the work for commercial purposes.

If you have any questions about the license, do not hesitate to contact me.